Revenge is a sweet pussy

Happiness is lynched by jealousy.
Grief is cured by doctor Hennessy.
Hope’s arse is burnt by blazing distress.
Many noes kick the agonising yes.
We are losers covered by foes’ sputum.
Stores motivate us. We can loot ‘em.
Skies betray roamers. Skies are bitches.
Friends’ knives cut our bleeding stitches.
Warheads visit countries and villages.
People drink blood and mud. Cinemas
Are needless. Wars gloat over cadavers.
Stupidity hangs talents. Mercy never matters.
Landmines steal torn legs and arms.
Politicians count money and blow barns.
Petrol cocktails wash throats and rectums.
Broken noses and necks are renders.
Legions of trust can’t surrender. Die
And dive into the flames of revenge! Guy,
Take the AK! Bullets can talk and speak!
Victims are no longer weak! Sharpen your beak!
Tears fall profusely. Fate, don’t use me!
Death, excuse me! I’ll dethrone you! Don’t seduce me!
Our bayonets pierce aggressors smoothly!
Fry the wrath! Revenge is a sweet pussy!


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