10 тайна гробницы. на второе котлеты! не наваливай

- On second биточки =cutlet_ from veal! Is has caused hungry урчание, that hear, when other member кошачьего of family, or home любимец- блохастый пес applies for a bowl with кошачьим by a forage!
As it is poorly necessary мужику for complete happiness! The good wife, and good feed(meal)! It is possible, that the wives археологов both were: also are clever, and are formed(educated) in the best educational institutions of West! But they prepared so-so!
Any joke about археологов is not known for me, but the occurrence here Чапая, and Анки is necessary how to depict more precisely!
The joke, that to me was told by(with) the friend!
Чапай and Петька after termination(ending) Civil war were taught(learnt) on the scientists? And they had laboratory, and they worked, it is irony that " they cut dogs by knifes, and are a gangsterism! "
.... Петька one in laboratory, запыленой, and cloud of the hungry flies! The empty crates, where should be the monkey, rabbits, or mouse for experiences! The crates are empty, as the Young Soviet authority does not have money to all this!
Enters зазъяренный Чапай, and from a threshold:
- All laboratory on the verge of closing! - also begins орать on Петьку.
-, and for you оболдуя, to me has got till the first! And, throws a Magazine of experiences on a table! A dust взмывает in air!
- What you write? - кляксы, and all ржали! - what it for "обезакция" at зверев all superfluous?!
- И. to me has got! - I speak, a pier - there is no material what to carry out(spend) experiences!
-! Встрял Петька! - кады дадуть currencies we and обезьнков shall buy, and we shall lead(carry out) experiences above them!
- Rabbit! - Чапай has reflected! - yes the rabbit was скусный! Last is a pity -! I also have told it, and they to me:
-! If you, тов. Чапаев the Present, Soviet scientist that find reserves, and catches in flight the sleepy fly!
-, and sample for experience!
- Чо, with комарем we shall cross! - бухнул Петька? In the meantime Чапаев having placed the fly in glass тарелочку, the Cup Петри refers to as, closes her(it) стеклышком! It is visible of the flies пролазает, readyto experiment. Чапай has cleared aboutштанинуdirty скальпель,andhastakenthefly for крылышко.
All insects: though the fly, though кузнечик or May bug have, and always 6 лапок. Чапай at the fly отрезает at the fly Back Right лапку! The fly creeps in a cup Петри!
That you write! Чапай on Петьку! Again! - обрезация муховых ногов! Together studied you see, and all вино, yes the dances on mind(wit) were!
Write correctly " the fly after amputation back Right конечности- поползла! - Conditional reflex on the academician Павлову.
....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ..................................................
Are cut off all лапки at the fly, except for two forward! Чапапай cuts Left Forward лапку_the legs!
The fly! Creep! - орет it(he) on glass! The fly from стаху was drove in a corner!, has got!
After amputation Left Forward конечности.. Has written down Петька!
Чапай отрезает last лапку at the fly, and орет " creep! " That - несместа!
-чо to write what to it(her) упрацы that!? - is surprised, Петька! "
Write! After Amputation All конечностей
! - Creep, падла! - орет with бодуна Чапай, and I speak Пеььке " the Fly Has lost hearing! " - has finished Чапай a joke about itself! - young scientist on the flies! What only branches are not present in the Russian Academy! Is, and on Egypt!
Soon after brilliant experience Чапаев has left laboratory on Петьку, and it(he) in a narration will not appear any more!
As that the secretary, let it(he) will flash in this сценке - Любочка, behind the machine времн Ломоносова, притормозилоа Чапева, when it(he) went it(her) past on a corridor!
- Василий Иваанович, I searched for you on всемц to University! Where you were? - should to you transfer, that for you waits шевф, and with it(him) товарищь, and she(it) has noded челкой, where that upwards!
Чапай was knocked, and has received in the answer:
Enter! - has gone to a study! As a joke " Iron Феликс " earlier is inserted and further certain lines in the story will appear, that conduct in Confidential Archives in certain подземелье near to бомбоубежищем Сталина, at a table sat Феликс Эдмундович and chief! They that recollected that about joint work in подполье! On a table stood, already початая! The chief Чапая was very liberal, not that that on the eve, when распекал Чапая! Strangely enough, a certain member, that sat in presidium, and was silent, was silent and now, but all to it(him) all обращаличсь on a name - Армен!
As положену to the scout - it(he) was silent, and as did not try Чапай впомнить the ambassador what it(he) spoke it(him) about, and spoke this ordinary-looking with a kind the man could not recollect! This art - to speak by hours, and for morning words from your speech nobody will recollect "! This art!

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