last signs of life

Silence filled up the whole room and the only sound I could hear was her last breath.

No one spoke a word, we were silent and we just stared at each other.

After every second passed, I felt more attracted to her,

it wasn’t love, it was something stronger than love.

I fell in love with her not because of the soft personality

not because of her precious gorgeous lips!

Her eyes, her eyes grabbed my feelings that were hidden deep inside me.

Yes, there is a deceptive appearance and deceptive facial expressions, but eyes never lie. It’s the mirror of our souls!

Her eyes represent the clear blue sky.

Her eyes carry love, loyalty and life.

Her eyes hold the purest riches, that will enchant any eye.

Her eyes are the reason why I am still alive.

After every second passed, I felt more attracted to her,

it wasn’t love, it was something stronger than love.

I can hear that her last breath is fading away.

I can see that the life in her eyes is disappearing.

I can feel the coldness of her body.

My head is on fire.

Litres of sweat is dripping on the floor.

With a blink of an eye, her body loses its color.

She is gone and dead means gone forever.

Предыдущий: Гений и истина
Следующий: Герой нашего времени. Епизод 9. Настя и Дима 17