R. July 19, 2009 23 56

There's a place where I'd like to be with you now: in a simple room on the top floor. Maybe in a house on the seaside. Or in a city where the noise coming through the window doesn't interfere - it creates the feeling that the world around us is living it's own life. And we're living our own.
There should be a wonderful view from the window.
This is the kind of room I need: with a bed wide enough for the two of us. To lie next to you and feel your breath. I want to go to this room. And I want to get there with you.
Save this picture. It's best to put it on the desktop so that it will stay in front of your eyes. If anyone asks why you have it, tell them that there's one girl in this room who would be happy. Look at the picture and remember that I'm waiting. Today, tomorrow and always.

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