A cemetry of hearts

Somewhere far beyond the horizon
In the gloomy Neverland,
A cemetry like prison
Rests upon the sand.
It is not a common one,
It is not for human beings
The sign above it runs:
For broken hearts and dreams.

A cemetry of hearts
The shelter for unloved,
Cemetry of hearts,
It is the final road,
Cemetry of hearts,
Welcomes warmly in
Those who loved too much,
Those victims of a Sin.

And noone could suggest,
That in the ground wet and cold,
Found their piece and rest
Hearts of young and old.
And noone could imagine
That heartbeatings of unloved,
Sound like gigantic engine,
Merging gently to love song.

There’re no roods above the graves,
The life is still not over,
God will hear all your prayers
Wrap you round by his power.
God may cure your weak heart
Raise it from the dead.
And new love will heat a frozen blood
And the grave will seem just like a bed.

Предыдущий: Комар, муха и пчела
Следующий: Луч Маяка