Blues in С sharp

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ma baby left me aaall alone
I guess you've heard the same old song
Ma baby left me without hello
I didn't get oh, what was wrong?

He said I'm cute, too nice for him
He loved ma smile and then we kissed
I met his friends they took me well
He asked me when he'd bang my bells?

And I got scared what if he'll hurt
Ma feeling and what most of all
Ma body wouldn't be satisfied
And I again would cry at night?

I guess he found another girl
I guess she's been too ready on
I should have gone and give my all
But I insted said no, no, no...

Ma baby left me aaall alone
I guess you've heard the same old song
Ma baby left me without hello
I didn't get oh, what was wrong?

Предыдущий: Между нами провода
Следующий: Диалог