Fluffy light snowflakes whirl in the air...

Fluffy light snowflakes whirl in the air and quiver,
Descend to my feet in a white cloud, cover the Earth.
On the eyelashes they brightly shine with frosty silver,
On the lips are in a hurry to melt from the warm breath.

They fall into palms and gently shimmer on my cheeks,
Winter's openwork creations that are so afraid of heat.
They quickly melt under the cheerful sunlight's streaks,
Leave only memories, always very kind and sweet.

Let these snowflakes cause for each of us the happy smiles
To part with sadness - it would be everyone's duty,
Twinkle with sparkles of diamonds on clothing textiles,
Surprise this world with their lacy airy beauty...

Предыдущий: Зiмовы вецер
Следующий: To stars already died