Don t waste your life on

My translation into English of the poem "Не тратьте жизнь свою...", written by Инна Метельская

Don’t waste your life on those who never value

On those who don’t love, and never wait

On those who, without doubt, will betray you -

Those who will go for newer “twist of fate”…

Don’t waste your tears on those who never see them

On those who, simply, never needed you

On those who, once apologized, again will hurt you

On those who see the life from other realm…

Don’t waste your strength on those you either needn’t

To cut a dash or make a noble splash…

On those who’re sick with wildest cold of jealousy within them

On those who madly fell in love with dear themselves…

Don’t waste your words on those who don’t hear them

On trifles that unworthy of your grieves…

On those who, being with you, will stay indifferent

On those who’re never heartfelt feel your pain…

Don’t waste your life, as latter is not endless

Do praise each breath, each moment and the hour

As in this world, though far from being a perfect ground,

There’s, somewhere, One, who asks the sky for Only You…


Предыдущий: Перепев Eagles - Hotel California
Следующий: Пер. на англ. И. Бродского В озерном краю