The sound echoes, through the woods...

(стихи моей дочери)


The sound echoes,
through the woods I hear,
a melody.
It’s clear and pure,
nothing I’ve ever heard before,
to save the soul from hurt and sorrow.
It shines through the trees,
equal to light itself,
clearing a path to the listener’s ear.
It gives each flower a certain accent,
making it more beautiful and sweet,
and they smile up to anyone that crosses their path.
The clouds rest on mountains,
creating moist spots in their wrinkled faces,
to listen to what they’ve never heard before.
The fog spreads itself,
to make its ears more big,
for the ability to hear that one special melody.
The melody comes,
from the middle,
of the enchanted forest.
Birds fly down to see,
what is it that creates such a sound,
of enchanting thrills.
the melody,
is none other than compassion, and love,


Предыдущий: 13113
Следующий: Diamond in the Sand