
On the way through the fallen walls
In an endless distance the bird flew
Not paying attention to those who said
That she, would never, fly through, FUCK IN!

But however she herself didn't fully believe
In her success until, final start anyway, and as
Soon, as she, appeared in front from THE —
The walls, themselves, collapsed, FOR HER!

His a victory turned out to be clean, without getting
THE, wings, DIR-TY, as it should be if you understand
The essence of THIS space, and where everything is,
In only your head, and so you decide, when him, RETREAT!

Breakthrough to THE sun, break free to THE land
Somewhere beyond the seas in FAR Zea-land
Where koalas and mountains, and the oce-an
And the vast, expanses, HEY, BIRD, — FLY IN!
Queen of Disks: []
The Seven Pentacles: []
Prince of Wands: []

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