Пристал ко мне... - перевод А. Блока

A poor fool had to me pestered,
Going after me as a known man:
"Where are your money?" - "In tavern."
"Where is your heart?" - "In a slough pelted."

"What do you need of me?" - "Nothing,
Except humbleness, as I have,
Except openness, as I have, pal,
And nothing excessive to that."

"Why do you worm into the alien heart?
Go, go away, I need not." -
"Why do you think, that we are two, pal?
Look round about. And what...?"

And, really (that was a great task),
I looked around - nobody near.
And looked into pocket - there nothing...
And looked into heart... burst in tears...

30 dec 1913

Предыдущий: Лондон
Следующий: Музыка - перевод Р. Рождественского