Любовная ссора

Для лучшего понимания стихотворения, я объясню, что оно представляет собой диалог жены и мужа. В начале и в конце стихотворения слова "автора".

Well, couples quarel all the time.
It's not a problem; it is fine
But this one takes it to extreme.
That's how their story will begin.
-...You always say you've had enough...
Why can't you just accept my love?
-So what? - I'M GONNA FU****G DIE!!!
-You're yelling now but let me see...
Then why did you propose to me????
-Well, you can cook and you are hot
And well... you know... you can deepthroat
- If this is why we're married than...
I'll kill you:') - Please forgive me ma'am!
I didn't want to make you sad.
I'm sorry for the crap I've said.
It was a joke...put down the knife!
Let's both calm down and have talk
-Oh please just give me one more chance!
I was not making any sense;
I lied so there's no need to cry!
I really love you... -TELL ME WHY!!!
Tell me or I'll kick out your teeth.
You think you've had enough of this?
Oh, honey, you are free to go.
You'll die before you leave me, though
So answer and don't make me wait.
Do that before it is to late!
-(Oh crap, I ran out of time!
If I don't tell her, I will die,
And now I really have to think...
Why can't I make up anything?
Something for sure should be said!
If I stay silent, I'll be dead.
In this case I will roll the dice!)
You're kind...? I see! No need for knives!
That's not best quality of yours...
I guess I'll have to tell the truth
You know, you kinda are the worst...
Calm down and let me finish first!
You've threatened me multiple times.
You know, I'm not a block for knives!
But well, i guess, you think I am...
All in my body, not at once.
But still, just think what is the chance,
That I will still survive again?
Just how tough do you think I am?!
But well, don't worry I've seen worse.
Who did this?You again of course!
You did those things and this and that.
Well, jeez, you even killed my cat
When I did not come home on time.
And I forgive you. You know why?
I should have said this long ago;
I've lost much blood and soon I'll go
To my reward. I won't regret
The words that I have never said.
I'll say this like a worthy human!
I love you, dumb psychotic woman!
Because, hon, even though you are mean,
You really care about me...
You're selfish, greedy, jealous, but
You are the one who stole heart .
I love you,hon, and as you've said
I'll leave you when I will be dead...
-Okay, I will forgive you now!
You said I'm mean, and yet somehow
Your words still made me happy, and
I guess, this is our happy end.
But still you're mean and I was stung :c
Why are you quiet? Cat got your tongue?
Why don't you move? Hey you, wake up!
Stop with the storm in a teacup!
You're going to be fine, just look.
Remember, we are in a book.
You are supposed to stay alive!
She promised me that you'll survive.
Come on get up you lazy jerk!
It-t was a silly harmless joke...
How could you as***le make me cry?
And after that you're gonna die?
For sure you have to pay for this!
So just wake up! I'm begging! Please!
It was supposed to be a gag,
Please author, please just bring him back.
Forget about the wounds and gore,
There's nobody whom I love more.
It is the first time I said this!
You heard this, so why don't you breathe!
It was okay first 15 times!
So why the hell did you just die!?
You were so tough, for sure you were...
It must all be because of her!
You b**ch!!! You promised he'll survive!!!
That's why I stabbed him with a knife!
I know, I don't look smart but still!
There is no way in hell I'd kill
My husband whom I love the most
Because of paranoid thoughts.
And so I will get my revenge
That is not right, that's gotta change!
Hey, author, I have had enough,
I'm gonna kill you! Don't you laugh!!!
What's that? What's happening to me?
Let go! You s**t! Just let me be!
Oh shit, oh shit, what's going on?
I feel like I'm your stupid pawn!
I can no more control my hand
What is this?I don't understand!
My hand just slowly grabed a knife
Ironic! I will lose my life
With the same instrument I used
To make you, author, so amused
When I stabbed him so many times
That I got deaf to all his cries.
I feel so sorry , but let's think
It's not like I can do a thing.
I will forgive myself because
For all my worthless life I was
Your clown but not anymore!
And as you see I've lost this war.
It doesn't look that you will stop
You'll die a painful death, I hope.....
And that's how both of them had died.
The wife commited suicide
'Cause mere characters can't fight
The author, who has changed her mind

Предыдущий: Did the things change so much...
Следующий: Важлывэ особыстэ попэрэдження