
I felt so sorry for that doll:
It was so plain and sad.
Why was it ridiculed by all?
What made that doll so bad?
I know it now - it didn’t fit
Into her world of grace.
Whenever she caught sight of it,
She made a face.

And I, I always hid it so
It could escape her eyes.
And she, she always found it – oh,
She said, what a surprise,
My little sister’s only friend.
The secret’s out. Farewell,
The time of magic and pretend,
Farewell, Polichinelle.

I felt so jealous of that kid,
She really had it all:
So good at everything she did
And pretty like a doll.
I know it now – I didn’t fit
Into her dreamy space.
She saw me and mistrust would flit
Across her face.

And I, I always hid my hurt:
Big sisters shouldn’t care.
And she, she pushed me far from her.
She said, you’re so unfair
This doll will be my only friend.
The secret’s out – farewell,
The time of magic and pretend,
Farewell, Polichinelle.

Jean Honore Fragonard, The Two Sisters, c.1769-70

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