
My tired mind
leaves all the thoughts behind.
I can't seem to get away
another day rotting in vain.
My soul is like a wounded seagull,
and my suffering are illegal.
The humiliation is what I admire,
Nobody sees me going through the fire.
I tell everyone "I'm fine"
Well... I'll just turn these tears to wine.
It's getting clear
there is no need in my seagull here.
"Some think it a matter of course that chance
Should starve good men and bad advance" —
These lines turn round in my head,
From grave to bed I run instead.
I feel my strength is leaving me
And hear the voice "Nobody cares for thee".
Another day comes full of worries,
You've got to leave behind your stories.
I know for sure, I know it's hard
In hell you have your secret guard.
However, hope to leave, to die
Your one and only pie in the sky...

Предыдущий: The Place, where you will stay forever
Следующий: Космiчний корабель