365 inglish where gold of tomb? тайна гробницы цар

I not completely have transferred this fragment! As a matter of fact, here specification, but here not absolutely all is exact, there is not a sincerity!
Here does not cost will read literally it is an incorrect conclusion, that all stops and ineptly hides the truth. itself specify, if tens time a mentioned surname Говарда Джонеса are necessary,
by the way, here known, his figure I assorted on the previous page! WHETHER
It is necessary to analyse text/ In on page 86, Paul Николсон and Carolina Джексон following have written about gold.
".. In a collection of the Swedish museum, where gold! There is a box, box with an inscription " sand and gold foil from tomb Kv.55 empress Тии " "! I do not give free translation, and I read a word in a word!
.. подаренная =as gifts_ Энни Спрайк- Джонес! What behind a Surname _Сестра Jones.H? Small stop in translation! It is the sister Говарда Джонеса, of the artist in excavation гробницы = tomb of empress Тии- погребальную сень / sepurcral canopy / (he) drew as - figure on the previous page! Further in text:
.... The Bosse- Griffit atheolog , it is a double =просто Двойая его фамилия =surname one outstanding археолога has expressed that Спрайк- Джонес - sister Харольда Джонеса, I at once have understood, that Джонес- not the American surname, there would be Джонсон - a swede most likely, далее:..... Was the artist =paiter =at Теодор Девиса in excavation гробницы Kv. 55. Figure on other page (him).
.. To the visitors, public as though "souvenirs" .он has seen, how that Девиса, that offered Джонес, according to his sister " on memory " and Джонес has asked two горстки =pieces of sand from a floor his tomb, and having received the affirmative answer has (collected) two горсти of sand, certainly with gilding!
.... In this dust Боссе- Гриффит saw fragment of yellow colour, well gold of triangular form so in 41 mm.
Only that one man has taken two горстки to sand! And there could not and to not be of a slice of a foil! A word Чапаю: How is speed you, Девис have cleared tomb? - in that morning floor there sparkled by sterile cleanliness! As Девис in dialogues does not participate, we shall calculate, for how many they, 10, or 100 физитеров= mans= behind souvenirs will clear a floor an tomb of sand. Let's simplify a task, stones already have (taken out) workers there! Coffin =at Даресси =Daressi in Kayro museum as well as all boards, let gilding All slips it of a word Масперо, not thought up, and under his book: There was =so hot- a gilding slipped on this on a floor! And so about a (room), though on tomb Тутанхамона up to 10 meters of length and width, not so the layer of sand 1 см is important, but hardly floor strewed. Let 2-3 см! How many Square centimeters of a floor will enter in 2, let for hardworking -10 pieces of sand ? How many dug in , and let 3-30, not three hundred, sand Have taken he.
TASK! Count on the calculator For how many Х = 3 > 30 men, on 2 > 10 pieces of sand , will clear a floor of a(room) in 100 square meters / 100 М2/at thickness of a dust 1. 5 См? All occupy for calculations! Irony has understood! It is thin завуалированный = Latent =the fact, that where that is both panel and slices of a foil, but not about post mark –Beards of Sweden!, well: we for a long time шти лаптей - by a boot
- not хлебаем = eat soup, and are dialogue
- We for a long time шти лаптей = a boot= not хлебаем= eat! - хихкнула =joke Анка- пулеметчица!
- Идитя жрать! Go to eat! Лобачевские c Карбюзье = счетоводы!! On second биточки =cutlet = with rice, on third канпот=jus from черешни= apples! .. And why that nobody has asked, and who such Карбюзье= name?.. It is necessary to you, and where nevertheless gold? Concept I have no!! ..................................................
В этой статье рассказано, что еще в 1910 годы Боссе-Грифитс, археолjг сообщал про коробочку с “ песком из гробницы царицы Тии” d музее Швеции. В современной статье было написано сестра Анни –Спрайк Джонес, родственница Говарда Джонеса, рисовальщика на раскопках Кв. 55, и Тутмоса 4. Его иллюстрации по этим гробницам,- погребалной сени стенку тут. Далее по статье::
Анни сообщила что Девис на память как и другие посетители взял две горстки песка, в нем был небольшой кусочек золотой фольги. Но это не ответ, где все 4Х4 метра с погребальной сени! Не пол- Египта же пришли за “ песочком”. Археологи берут на память ! В фильме в Ютуб один археолог сказал, что взял пару монет на память!! Но Девис раздал всю фольгу, и ” листы золота что Прикрывали мумию,, Факт из книги Вейгала “ Эзнатон. Фараон еретик”. Далее в статье приводится некая беседа с Ани Спрайк- Джонес. Ага! Мы лохи? Анка, вон выдает едокам лапти, что бы щи хлебать! Как все это писать сурьезно, без выдуманных героев? Не комедию, же- пишу!

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