I look at a land

(стихи моей дочери)


I look at a land,
far beyond my sight.
A bird flies in that direction,
all cheerful and free.
I wonder if I shall ever be that bird,
to fly to lands beyond comprehension.
I ask for nothing to big to grant –
to soar high, and know I’m not followed.
To see everything,
to cover everything with my glance.
I cannot spread my wings in the cage you created,
let me go free, let my go free.
It’s not too much to grant,
let me go free.
Why do I see others,
flying high?
I want the wind to ruffle my feathers,
I want the sun to kiss my cheek.
I want to be free, like the others.
I want to be free,
and fly my own path.

Victoria (11)

Предыдущий: A Memory
Следующий: I am a kid