Hands, Face, Space

Hands, Face, Space

Hands, Face, proper distant Space
These are our the most important
Parts of bodies, with, attached to them
Requirements, the old tight lane ties mystery to unlace

It all tough very sounds
But we have contacts human ours to break
We ought to power them light like off
I see you`ve got it. Glad you know it
Fuccking municipal monetary drains must die
Let my dear our life dream mains stay only
As an electrical soul of ours
As for gendarmes - those power wolves
Let them also die

We should control`m
Keepin their state shelves gold clean
That is to be calm & safe and worthy yourself
In any other case, soon coming, cut off their sudden role

To be with that virus near very
To be protected from it, in spite
Monstrous as a it is
Don't you worry
It anyway goes
The deepest to, a cemetery peat

There has not yet thunderstruck alarmed
We unfortunately still spy all that
When you all think
That the death is the only exit
You are not right
It's only by your own private negligence
Death may come fast streamingly
As you call at it yourself
Downcasts it, namely, instantaneiusly
Privetly upon you

Предыдущий: January - 2021
Следующий: Middle of sorrow