Сегодня мы исполним... - пер. Б. Пастернака

"Today we shall fulfil his melancholy", -
May be such were the words of Meetings,
Such was the shop's twighlight. And such was
The window with an azaleas' confused dream.

Such was the entrance. Such the friends were.
Such was the number of the house fatal,
When underneath was standing I and Sorrow,
The two participants of such a campaign.

And there a strange vanguard was formed,
In rear there was life. The courts were filthy sinking.
The spring was judged for break-in. All were visiting
The vespers, March has caught the church porches.

And the economic sectors grew roofs higher,
More profitable one by one, the houses grown
Their gangways before us lowered down.

1911, 1928

Предыдущий: Моногамия
Следующий: Желания