New Year

New year past,
?You have no rest,
And you persist,
Where we exist.
It been so long,
So many words,
It been so lame,
Somebody blame,
It's been so wet ,
It's past so sad.
But you so cute,
When waves are rude,
When time is stood,
When world are crude.
When baby cry,
When people die.
New year nest,
For thoughts to rest,
Where feelings gone?
For love to come,
New year came,
??Redrawing aim,
If soul brash?
You paint mirage ,
??life on the rush.
New year frame,
In times to come,
I wish you love,
And healthy fun.
And all the best,?
good time to rest.

Happy New year?
Origenely written to Bella.

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