Работай, работай, работай... -пер. А. Блока

By Alexander Blok

Let you work, and work, and work harder,
And you'll get the monstrous hump,
While working long, honourly, rather,
While toiling out, at last.

Another man will have a holiday
And sweetly will sing loud songs,
A wife of a soldier valiant
Will dance not with you, till the morn.

You know that you're not worser
In a dancing skill or having fun!
You surely could strap the golden,
Embroidered belt, in a chance!

You know, that you are more handsome
And high, than the other brave guys.
You know the girl, who is higher
Than girls round you, so young!

She has force of playing with flow
Of red blood through swarty pale cheeks,
And thin are her nice black eyebrows,
Unsteady is her cold speech...

Ah, so sweet, sweet, and sweet, though,
Is working till rise of the dawn,
Before the pretty wife of the soldier
Left me for the dancing on lawn!

Предыдущий: Альваро де Кампос, Фернанду Пессоа, Ана П. Таварес
Следующий: Я тебе подарю...