Моё избранное из переводов Дикинcон. 1756

Здесь лето кончилось,
И зреют времена
Иные иль иной любви,
Я приговорена

К Зиме, что заберёт,
В зиме жить в холода
Твоей Невесте Тропиков
В твоих оковах льда.


'Twas here my summer paused
What ripeness after then
To other scene or other soul
My sentence had begun.

To winter to remove
With winter to abide
Go manacle your icicle
Against your Tropic Bride.

Emily Dickinson

"The poet begins in bitter memory of her last moment of joy, as she stands at the very place - "here"- where her life "paused" for good, leaving her emotionally dead. What ripeness could exist for her, she asks, in any other scene or any other soul, in any new landscape, with any other lover. She had received her life sentence."

Helen Vendler

Стихи.ру 03 декабря 2015 года

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