Кто не обрёл Небес внизу

Почему столь давнишний перевод выставлен позже?
Просто перемещён на его место по порядку.


Кто не обрёл Небес внизу,
не сыщет там, где Высь.
Снять Ангелам соседний дом,
где б мы ни обжились...


Кто не обрёл Небес внизу -
и Высь провалит вновь.
Дом Бога рядышком с моим,
и круг Его - Любовь.

(У Эмили, в её Архиве, два варианта - разница лишь Кто в "соседях".)
[David Preest:
Like poem 1521 this poem was sent in a letter (L845)
to the two young girls, Mattie Dickinson and Sally Jenkins.
They seem to have been spending a holiday together, for Emily
begins the letter with the sentence, ‘I hope you are having
superb times, and am sure you are, for I hear your voices,
mad and sweet – as a Mob of Bobolinks.’ The poem says that
if the girls cannot see that the marvels of this world such
as bobolinks are heavenly angels or messengers from God, they
will not recognise the heaven of the next world either,
as angels will be their neighbours there as well.]

Who has not found the Heaven - below by Emily Dickinson


Who has not found the Heaven - below -
Will fail of it above -
For Angels rent the House next our's,
Wherever we remove -


Who has not found the heaven below,
Will fail of it above.
God's residence is next to mine,
His furniture is love.

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