
в соавторстве с Михайлом (Майком) Шведовым
Текст песни ко второму альбому авторского проекта Lake Spirit

Take my hand I’ll lead you on
Walk you up there
Stairs that goes so high, so high
Walking on the sky
Oh, yeah
Don’t you walk on by
Oh, no

Climbing stairs that lead us high
It’s not so easy
Follow me we’ll simply fly
Take my hand and fly
But don’t you close your eyes
Never close your eyes
Oh, my!

That’s our way –
Look a storm is near
But you should feel no fear
You know (on horizon)
We will see the Sun
We fly over clouds…
Or just walking the clouds…
Walking on and on...

The storm will pass soon
We will see the Sun
Fly over clouds…
Or just walking the clouds…
Walking on and on...

Clouds seem so warm and soft
To our skin
Fresh and spicy winds that blow
Are blowing in your face
Here in misty space
We have found our place

It’s so calm up here
You should feel no fear
Every trouble is gone
You know (on horizon)
We will see the Sun
We fly over clouds…
Or just walking the clouds…
Walking on and on…


Предыдущий: До украiнцiв!
Следующий: Love Insane