This Song

These lyrics are for my another song - my dedication to Great singer and songwriter John Dawson Read, the Author of many wonderful songs and the Great one - "Such Is The Mystery"...

This song has made me understand
What life is for and where it all began…
This song has made me what I am
And after all I’m grateful as I can…

This song has made my life complete,
It gave me strength to stand in dark and pain…
This song has saved me in defeat,
So now I’m sure that all was not in vain…

This song is anthem to my heart,
It keeps me high when I am down and lost…
This song will give another start
For newest life when I am tiny ghost…

This song has come into my soul
Like Holy Grail Who saved from misery…
Sometimes my life’s like poisoned bowl…
This song’s unveiled its sweetest mystery…

October 1-st 2018

Предыдущий: My love in black, for you the day is dawning
Следующий: Пожелания учителям Пажаданне настаунiкам