Innocent face...

Got dressed, had my coffee, ready to sail!
Darn! I forgot to check my mail!
Oh no! *Jury summons! Don't bother to fight...!
Need to serve and respect Constitutional right!

And of course, once again, it's a criminal case!
Prosecution! Defense! And an "innocent face!"
Allegation - a mother, a wife - has been stabbed-
The killer ran off and the woman's bag- grabbed...

She died shortly after, leaving children behind...
Listening to evidence, simply blew my mind...
As attorneys unveiled events on the go-
Turned out the crime occurred 27 years ago..?!

Then the jury was asked to consider point A:
Prosecution managed to obtain - **DNA...!
The Defense begs to differ and confuses the crowd-
Making it hard to reach a verdict, beyond a "reasonable doubt!"

One juror gets sick and vomits on the floor-
And is quickly escorted through the back door...
The show must go on, we must reach the "light"
Yet there seems no end, to this nightmare in sight...

The "innocent face" doesn't seem to look up...
He is facing the floor and is ready to drop...
But his voice will be heard and he'll try with all might-
To tell us what happened on that New Year's eve night...!

The moment of truth has finally arrived!
All jurors somehow feel deprived!
The "innocent face" has turned into a "nymph"***
Took a stand not to speak, pleading the 5th!

I ask to be excused, as I can stomach no more...
Judge gestures for me to be escorted through the door...
Another poor soul will now take my place-
To decide the fate of this "innocent face...!"

What a wonderful Judicial system America has!
Constitution protects each and every "a_ _!"
A woman was stabbed and left to die...
The "innocent face" is as free as the sky...

From Wikipedia:
* Jury duty or jury service is service as a juror in a legal proceeding.
** Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses.
*** nymph - immature form of some invertebrates, particularly insects, which undergoes gradual metamorphosis before reaching its adult stage.

Предыдущий: Memory
Следующий: БУВА