Чей отрумянится цветок

Чей отрумянится цветок
как наша чаша, знает кто?
Круг повторить их близких лиц,
дрожа без вин, мы тут сошлись.

(1877г. Эмили - к Хиггинсону, чья жена болела тогда.)

[Manuscript: The lines are incorporated in a letter
written to T. W. Higginson about June 1877.
Knowing that Mrs. Higginson is seriously ill
(she died in September), ED expresses the hope
she may be better and introduces the poem
with the thought: I remember her with my Blossoms
and wish they were her's.]

Whose Pink career may have a close by Emily Dickinson

Whose Pink career may have a close
Portentous as our own, who knows?
To imitate these Neighbors fleet
In awe and innocence, were meet.

Предыдущий: Бартоломью Гриффин. Сонет 13. Перевод
Следующий: Андрей Хаданович. Презумпция невиновности