True success

Perhaps, in worldly views, I failed:
my poetry is not well known,
my art from public eyes is veiled...
About this I don't moan.

For what's not seen from outside -
not the success, which others crave -
I'm conquering my own pride,
to worldly values no slave.

The world is treating with derision,
if I in Jesus place all trust,
but this high call, this life's vision
lifts me above all upper crust.

If I will end my earthly race
with godly values in accord,
I'll see my Saviour face to face
and we'll be welcomed by my Lord.

To please the Lord - it is my goal,
to serve until my life ends,
for the salvation of my soul
does only on Him depends!

Not my achievements or my fame
can save from the wrath divine,
but through the blood of Christ I claim
inheritance, for He is mine.

When faith in Christ alone is rooted,
the life eternal then awaits,
and my success is undisputed,
as every life in Christ is great!

Oh let my life be obscure
with all its past that looks like mess,
but when I am in Him secure,
is this not then a true success?


Предыдущий: К Делии 36. Samuel Daniel 1562-1619
Следующий: Cher Ami песня на французском языке