Moscow, 16 jun - ria novosti

journalist Olga Lipich

The head of the Buddhist Karma Kagyu school for the first time the concert in Moscow

MOSCOW, 16 Jun - RIA Novosti, Olga Lipich. The head of one of the major Tibetan Buddhist schools - the Karma Kagyu school - Karmapa 17-th Тринле Thaye Dorje urged thousands of Russians, who came to the meeting with him in Moscow, watch, that the thoughts, words and actions were always positive, and noted that this is the key to happiness. Russia 26-year-old Тринле Thaye Dorje will visit for the first time. In the Buddhist tradition Lama (teacher) this level is perceived as a Buddha - and his speech in the Palace of sport in Luzhniki "gathered about 2.5 thousand people, mostly youth. Karmapa is located on a high throne in the midst of a scene in the Lotus position for three hours communicated as with practicing Buddhists, so those who are interested in teaching. "Buddhism is a manual method to always maintain a very positive approach" - said Тринле Thaye Dorje. According to him, the essence of the method is to keep a positive Outlook on the very existence, "constantly maintain consciousness and watch, what we think, say and do". "Usually, if a person does not positively looks at his life, there are various confusion", - added Karmapa. It is because of the carelessness of a man take hold of emotions, which are by no means are the "true nature". Dharma (the teaching of the Buddha) gives the opportunity to see it. "Dharma helps to change the attitude to life with a pessimistic on the positive, gives hope for the joy in any situation", - said the head of the Karma Kagyu school. In his understanding of Buddhism is very close to the philosophy, in translation means "love of wisdom". For the development and preservation of a positive attitude to life Тринле Thaye Dorje advised to use the following approach: "Each situation - this is the best situation. Every man, every circumstance can be teachers." Karmapa compared this with the notion of "baptism of fire" (baptism of fire). Answering the question about awareness and care, the master called the last "key to a healthy and happy life." In the absence of care of a man, according to the Buddhist teachings, begin to make mistakes. Let these errors are small, but they accumulate and can form the corresponding habit. Then after some time it is the accumulation of "takes us over the top", and when the error becomes very big. For the training of care need regular meditative practice. "In everyday life we need to give this some time, 5 minutes too well", - considers the Karmapa. "Usually we sit down and focus on the fact, in what condition we are, how to behave, damaged whether our behavior anger, envy and desire? Thus we can understand committed are we any errors, have any of our actions, words are dictated by the selfish thought, thought only of himself?" - told the head of the Karma Kagyu school. According to him, if a person understands that he had made a mistake, do not fall into a depression, and we must "learn from the mistakes and rejoice in the fact correct, what you do". "The main thing is to apply this method every day. And in the end it becomes a very good habit," - added Karmapa. The importance of empathy on the question of the "four noble truths" (in Buddhism, it is suffering, its origin, termination, and the path leading to relief from suffering), Тринле Thaye Dorje noted that, understand them, and people are starting to appreciate his human existence and see its fragility.

Предыдущий: Красимир Георгиев. Волнение. Перевод с болгарского
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