Лежит цветенье здесь...

Лежит цветенье здесь...
Тьма склепа - над тобой...
Осиль, и жало одолев,
пребудь - не шелухой.

(Эмили - о смерти и воскресении.)

[David Preest:
Emily is perhaps speaking of a dear one or Blossom who
is lying in her grave, with her Sepulchre between her
and heaven. If she crosses over to heaven, she will become
such a blossom as will ‘overcome the Bee’ with delight.
If she stays there, she is ‘but a Rind’ and no blossom at all.]

Herein a Blossom lies -- by Emily Dickinson

Herein a Blossom lies --
A Sepulchre, between --
Cross it, and overcome the Bee --
Remain -- 'tis but a Rind.

Предыдущий: Betsy goes away dirty
Следующий: 1. Несла вина особый вкус