004 ingl. тайна гробницы kv. 5. secret гробницы kv

... There was a stuffy Egyptian night!
Not poorly for the beginning? Картиночку - pictures! Компьютерный перевод- сверяйся с Русским текстом.
On slippery stones, on осыпи__Abrupt slope, that with noise валилась = go, where that in darkness pair moved original with a kind.
Let's consider their persons at light of the Moon, or - one figure has lit, and огонек= torch_ of a match has highlighted known to everyone kinder from USSR Чапаев! And that it, for коренастая__Large a figure, перепоясанная by a machine-gun tape a cross crosswise! Not __is_ужели the sailor Железняк?
--А. it Анка - пулеметчица? Эк, куды_Why has brought сердешных=you!The author! - you have not specified year? What, this beginning 1907, Egypt, and Kv. 55-'это гробница – the tomb in a Valley of Kings? King valley NN Kv.55? - And, about excavation there Теодором Девисом_T. J. Davis, we what that слыхали_to know him?
Ясненько! Well! The author is not casual the name think up анти a detective! And, It seems there, whose mummy there is found, and whose Gold coffin is not known after hundred years!
Till 1907 Девис=Davise has dug out in a Valley of kings three, four burial places, and in particular, and it is confirmed by inscriptions on subjects: саркофаги= coffins of the father and mother empress Тии, and their names - are known: Ойю- the father empress and Туйи, accordingly mother!
Their daughter on a name Тии became the Great wife imperial, that is wife фараона=king_ Аменхотепа 3. Except for Тии the couple had still children: Хенуттанеб, Тутмос, Сатамен, Небета, Исида =his names, and the senior son was, that became фараоном Аменхотепом 4- Эхнатоном. While here of secrets any are not present! The names are known, and the wife of the son empress Тии Аменхотепа 4 known = Нефертити.
To decide(solve) to you further!
First, with what I you should acquaint it two books! I began research of secret Kv. 55 from the book of the professor Археологии USSR of the academician Перепелкина- “ book Secret of a Gold coffin”. This coffin, саркофаг also has found out Девис in January 1907! Also it is the link already on the book the report about раскопках= exavatyng__” The tomb of Queen Tyli_Гробница empress Тии. And the photo of a cover, and such is about ten photos of certain jugs, as closed covers with such portraits. Девис under snapshots wrote unequivocally " Portraits empress Тии ". But now it is visible, and it is standard, that of such portraits - four, and they represent: both women, and men, and it is quite possible - фараонов and empresses!
P/s. It specifies a deepening on-_The snake in a crown of king. It snake and the falcon on a crown, can be separately snake without a falcon!
Why Девис persistently (counted), and even when the polemic was developed, what (he) has opened tomb empress Тии? The year, yet Have restored damaged coffin_ has not passed also, and the dispute goes up to now! That such in this tomb, also that behind secret, what excites minds more than hundred years?
I am going simply to give translation approximately of ten pages from the book Davis_ about excavation. There will be further names: Девиса, Айртона, and Масперо in the beginning! Then, as required, I shall enter some more heroes for example Картера, that will dig out in 1922 tomb Тутанхамона! But there will be that I name by shift on time! It that that like the Machine of time, but not fantastic variant, and on a course, it was not - Картер can appear here from them dug out гробницы Тутанхамона, but it is an interval of years in ten!
- But it is such triviality!
.... Soon Чапай поскользнулся=Has fallen__Rough words, and the district was announced frank Russian матом=Rough words! After it downwards has departed, has gone on the third point, Анка! A cloud of a dust, and small collapse(landslide) have finished descent(release).
- почел = Go to__a background, чволочи= animals= shot_! - and silence has broken off gun залп from two trunks!
- It is good, that in air! - has thought is facilitated Чапай, rising, and brushing away a dust with галифе= Military jeans!
- I - I денька= Daddy_! - do not shoot! - истошно вопила = cry_ Анка! We not behind apples have got! -
Clearly for fear to it, that she(it) with мальчишкам тырит=to steal with children__ apples! But soon its(her) shock has passed!
Who ви such! - on broken Russian the figure with дробовиком –shot gun__ has asked! I ДЕВИС!
P/s. Это- ирония! Герой: Чапай, Анка= - пулеметчица для того здесь, что б Обратить твое внимание к неким тонкостям письма Египетским иероглифом, и возможно ты! Не я, же! Отгадаем тайну гробницы, что открыли в 1907 году! Девис, Масперо и другие – реальные

Предыдущий: 003 тайна гробницы kv. 55. антидетектив стояла
Следующий: 006 Ingl - I, Davis Theodore Девис, археолог! - st