Мое избранное из переводов Дикинсон. 645

С ними не видевшись ни раз,
Знать боль от их смертей —
Живая рoдственность их Душ
Живет c Душой — твоей —

За Незнакомца — не молюсь —
Бессмертные друзья,
Кого смерть первым заберет —
Ошеломит меня —

Кто в наших мыслях только жив—
Со своей смертью друг,
Как-будтo — наши Души
С ним забирает — вдруг —


Bereavement in their death to feel
Whom We have never seen —
A Vital Kinsmanship import
Our Soul and theirs — between —

For Stranger — Strangers do not mourn —
There be Immortal friends
Whom Death see first — 'tis news of this
That paralyze Ourselves —

Who, vital only to Our Thought —
Such Presence bear away
In dying — 'tis as if Our Souls
Absconded — suddenly —

Emily Dickinson

Прим. переводчика:
Стихотворение об ушедших духовных друзьях было написано в конце 1883 года.

<<This poem represents a speaker’s experience of a death for there is no recompense.
Woman poet Emily Dickinson structured poem 645 in the form of a riddle. The poem, whose opening line is 'Bereavement in their death to feel,' was not published until 1935 and might possibly have confounded her editors. Its readers are likely to be left with an impenetrable mystery as the verse leaves a number of questions unresolved such as the identity of the people whose death would make others (the readers) feel bereaved.>>

Стихи.ру 19 августа 2019 года

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