Том сын волынщика

Сын волынщика был Том,
Словом, пустозвон,
Только знай трубил одно:
?Ты прощай мой дол родной,
С холмов дует ветер в спину,
Ухожу я на чужбину?.

Заиграет, всяк гурьбой
За ним стар и молодой,
Парень, девка ли какая:
?Прощай мама дорогая!?

Лучше б черти взяли Тома,
Всех повыгнал он из дому!
Лишь взыграет – тут же в пляс
Всякий свин и лоботряс!

Долли шла доить корову,
Том волынку вздул отцову,
Заиграл он ?Чешир вольный?,
Ни коровы нет, ни Долли.

Несла яйца мистресс Трот,
Том волынку в рот, и вот
Скачут яйца мистресс Трот,
А Том знай себе ревёт.

Встретил Том осла-упрямца –
Встал, ни с места, тот с фаянсом,
Том играл ему в поход,
Осёл вскачь, посуда в лёт.

Tom, the Piper's Son

Tom, he was a piper's son,
He learnt to play when he was young,
But all the tune that he could play
Was ?Over the hills and far away?.
Over the hills, and a great way off,
And the wind will blow my top-knot off.

Tom with his pipe made such a noise,
That he pleased both the girls and boys;
And they all stopped to hear him play,
?Over the hills and far away?.

Tom with his pipe did play with such skill
That those who heard him could never keep still;
As soon as he played they began for to dance,
Even pigs on their hind legs would after him prance.

As Dolly was milking her cow one day,
Tom took his pipe and began for to play;
So Doll and the cow danced ?The Cheshire Round?,
Till the pail was broken and the milk ran on the ground.

He met old Dame Trot with a basket of eggs,
He used his pipe and she used her legs;
She danced about till her eggs were all broke,
She began for to fret, but he laughed at the joke.

Tom saw a cross fellow was beating an ass,
Heavy laden with pots, pans, dishes and glass;
He took out his pipe and he played them a tune,
And the poor donkey's load was lightened full soon.

Предыдущий: Роберт Геррик. Н-39 На потерю своих возлюбленных
Следующий: Клеменс Брентано. Соловей