Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Не вы Меня избрали

"Не вы Меня избрали,
A Я вас!" Он сказал —
Eго cлова страдания —
Вифлеем узнал!

Сказать так не посмела б,
Но раз Исус решил —
Знай, Боже! Горечь ту
Цветок твой разделил!

Стихи.ру 07 апреля 2014 года

"They have not chosen me," he said,
"But I have chosen them!"
Brave - Broken hearted statement -
Uttered in Bethleem!

I could not have told it,
But since Jesus dared -
Sovreign! Know a Daisy
Thy dishonor shared!

Emily Dickinson

Прим. переводчика:

1. Примечание Томаса Джонсона к стихотворению 85:
Стихотворение было послано Мэри Боулз (Mary Bowles).
"MANUSCRIPTS: There are two, both written about 1859. That reproduced above (Bingham), in pencil, is addressed "Mrs Bowles -" and signed "Emily." The copy in packet 7 (H 30c) is identical in form except that dashes, not commas, are used in line 1, only "dared" is italicized, and a comma follows "Sovreign" (line 7). Line 5 reads: "I could have not told it," but ED wrote 1 over "not" and 2 over "have." That order she adopted in the copy to Mrs. Bowles".

2. Cвятое благовествование oт Иоанна (15:16) гласит:
"Не вы Меня избрали, а Я вас избрал и поставил вас, чтобы вы шли и приносили плод, и чтобы плод ваш пребывал, дабы, чего ни попросите от Отца во имя Мое, Он дал вам."

3. "The disciples,despite being chosen by him, are about to dishonour him by falling asleep in the
garden and running from the soldiers.
But to what group of people is she saying it? The likeliest group seem to be the
group of friends that she had spent such blissful evenings with recently at the
Evergreens, especially Sue and Austin, Samuel Bowles and Kate Anthon.

Throughout her life Emily suffered from her deepest affections not always been returned in the same measure, and this poem may indicate that she had sensed a cooling off in their".

Стихи.ру 07 апреля 2014 года

Предыдущий: Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Не вы Меня избрали
Следующий: 1-1-15. Рильке. Мученицы