Abandoned Grounds, Eclipses And Obsequies 01. 01

Abandoned Grounds, Eclipses And Obsequies.
– Summing Up The Decennia –

The most shameful decade of my life has ended
It's lowered my rights and redoubled my charge
The souls of my kindred, I hope, have ascended
To paradise passing the rigorous judge

My clan's left me midst the unbounded abhorrence
With those whome I trolled and now hardly endure
For their wafts of ignorance turn to the torrents
Which soon are to swamp my forworn mind for sure

My dear multiethnic spouse claimed the consensus
And ten summers after has bargained the par
At present, of course, there are no former senses
She's not my best deal, she is simply who are.

This frigging decennary threw us the puzzles
Began from the nature's jokes we did not trust
And finished its tricks with "the age of the muzzles"
Induced mongst the folk just the greater disgust

We're forced to believe in the COVID pandemic
To finally sever the last human ties
To choke and suppress every kind of polemic
About the revolt and the government's lies

Well, we thought and set up the network connection
However the jerks tried, they've gained the reverse
We garner our wrath and prepare insurrection
To raze the regime. For it's sick and perverse

So, as our rebellion pathways are charted
And our troops pro tempore lurk in the dark,
Let us come again to the topic I started
To touch on my personal being's bad luck

All these harmful years I indulged the regression
First sorely despairing then mourning the dead
Not waiting for any relief or compassion
The booze and the oeuvre agreed in my head

Such long superfluity and self-destruction
Encircled my world with the bluffs of abyss
What it represents in its current reduction?
The desolate grounds and the drear obsequies

No hale wants to know what the ill heart that leaps is
Like never the sighted will fathom the blind
Accept my afflatuses and my eclipses
With their common roots are substantially twined

Perhaps, the surroundings determine psychosis
That's why the whole country's grown mad by degrees
It's cureless, I fear, 'tis the mental necrosis
And none even guesses will ever it cease

But till here not everything is devastated
And some drinking water still flows in the brook,
I daresay the lines 'bout I loved and I hated
Will not disappear from the History book.

Предыдущий: Как нет тебя? И почему ты рядом не идёшь...
Следующий: Freedom of the mind