Vice versa

They say,
Too good can't be too long
And being right may be so wrong;
The farther we go more strangers we are,
So far so good-so good can be so far.
The sun has sunk
Into your eyes
And now it's shining
From where the beauty lies -
To me it seems so strange
My mind and heart and all have changed,
We've fallen in love too deep to get out
Now I whisper the words I used to say so loud:
I love you.
People say we are alike
And we know that we are not,
I'm an arrow you're my pike
I am i and you're my dot,
We are
Two with nothing to long (no more)
Of course you're right let me be wrong,
The farther we go much closer we are,
So far so good-it will be better by far,
coz we are two.

Предыдущий: Messiah
Следующий: Кеннеру