The life of my fellow

Перевод на английский язык стихотворения Александра Блока "Жизнь моего приятеля"

All day – like any day: comprised of little strain
And many a trifling care.
They needlessly will flow in a chain
Past your fatigued stare.

You’re worried but deep inside submissive:
No matter if you fail.
And at the bottom of your soul, black and depressive,
Sadness and unbelief prevail.

And then the tide of your day cares
By evening surges back.
When at the frosty dark the city stares
And midnight’s struck, –

And you would gladly fall asleep, but – what an awful minute!
All other thoughts aside –
The joylessness of comfort, the senselessness of all pursuits will bring it
Into your troubled mind.

And silent anguish will so softly squeeze your throat:
Neither to groan, nor to gasp,
As if the night has put a curse on the whole world,
The devil himself has caught you in his grasp!

You will jump up and run into the stone-deaf streets,
But there is no one to help you out:
Wherever you would turn – only the darkness meets
Your vacant eyes and follows you around.

There in draughts the wind is going to moan overhead
Until the pale sunrise;
A police guard, in order not to fall asleep, will apprehend
A vagrant by surprise…

And in the end the long wished for fatigue will come,
And you will not care a jot…
What? Conscience? Truth? Life? It’s such a modicum!
It makes one laugh, well, does it not?

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