Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Павел и Сайлaс, сказано

Павел и Сайлaс, сказано,
Сидели раз в тюрьме,
За ними было послано,
Но не нашли нигде.

Не защитит гарантия
Натруженный наш ум —
Скоба не обязательна
Бессмертным этим двум.


Of Paul and Silas it is said
There were in Prison laid
But when they went to take them out
They were not there instead.

Security the same insures
To our assaulted Minds —
The staple must be optional
That an Immortal binds.

Emily Dickinson

Silas was a bold missionary in the early church, a companion of the Apostle Paul, and a loyal servant of Jesus Christ. Silas accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys to the Gentiles and converted many to Christianity. He also may have served as a scribe, delivering Peter's first letter to churches in Asia Minor. S

Стихи.ру 03 ноября 2014

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