Twins - Перевод песни Светланы Копыловой Близнецы

Two twins in the womb were their perspectives debating.
The sister was asking her brother if he could believe
in life after birth and what there for them was awaiting,
if after delivery they’d continue to live.

“To live after birth? What nonsense! What strange idea!
My logic suggests, to be born after birth is a lie.
Where from do you get those fantasies, sister, my dear?
When we leave this world, in the other we certainly die.”

“I just don’t know but feel there’s light everywhere,
and when we are freed from this limited space that traps,
we’ll see so many incredible things maybe there
and even could walk on our feet on the ground perhaps.”

“You think, this is possible?” answered her twin with disdain.
“Enough of your dreaming, for people aren’t made for walk.
Who ever had heard of it? Honestly, this is insane!
About such crazy ideas we’d better not talk.”

“No, no! Imagine, with mouths we might be eating
delicious food, not from the umbilical cord,
and even with others, who look like us, will be meeting,
with whom we could talk and could surely never be bored.”

“To eat with your mouth? To meet other people around?
To live outside the womb? How silly you are!
Just listen to you, how crazy and stupid you sound!
How could we survive there? Sure, you go too far!”

“Don’t be so angry and don’t reject it, my brother!
Survival techniques after birth we can possibly learn.
We will be protected, besides, by our Mother,
she’ll care for both of us, surely, when we are born.”

“The Mother! Forget it! You cause me today frustration.
I find your views rather dangerous, even extreme.
She is no more than a fruit of your imagination.
No-one ever saw her! Where’s she? You only dream!”

The sister, undaunted, to him very gently replied:
“She waits for us, when this narrow world we would leave.
She is all around us, we’re so safe inside her.
I feel, she is there, you only have to believe.

The Mother exists, though we cannot see her today,
and our lives to her at the moment belong.
If only you for few minutes could quietly stay,
you would feel her love, you would hear her voice and song.”


Перевод песни Светланы Копыловой "Близнецы"

Предыдущий: А. А. Милн. Песня для солдата
Следующий: Полярной ночью. Kerttu Kastelli