Зимнее утро - перевод А. С. Пушкина

The winter morning

It's frost and sun; the day is fine!
You still are drowsing, my friend -
But, dear Beauty, it is time
To wake up, and your eyes unveil
From force of luxury to star
Of North Aurora - be a north star!
The former evening - you remember,
The blizzard was in anger. A haze
Was covering the foggy heaven;
A moon was gleaming yellow
Through darkness of the cloud's veil,
And you were sitting sad... Today,
Let's look in window - snow lays
Under the marvelous blue skies,
As carpet wonderful, in rays
Of sun as brilliants is sparkling;
The only black is forest clear;
The fir-tree through the hoarfrost greening,
And river under ice is glittering.
All room is full of amber shining.
The heated furnace is affable
And gayly cracking. Good to think,
Lying on stove bench. And if
We try to harness a brown mare.
What do you wish?
While slippering along the snow
In early morning, we will be enjoying
The run of our impatient horse,
And visit empty fields and forests,
Which formely was rich and thick so,
And to my heart so lovely shore.


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А. С. Пушкин. Зимнее утро (Вячеслав Чистяков)

Winter Morning

Hard frost and sunshine – a day of pleasure!
You are still drowsy at your leisure –
It’s time, my beauty, ope your eyes!
Let you get free of blissful dreaming,
To meet the Nothern Aurora, deeming
Yourself the Star of North, let you arise!

Last eve the snowstorm wailed angry,
The shadowy sky struck all and sundry
The insipid moon was scarcely seen
Among dark drear clouds drifting;
Your moods was cheerlessly shifting -
Look now – what a change has been!

Under a bright blue vault of heaven
Like the finest carpets, soft and even,
The snow glitters in the sun light;
Transparent woods look solely dark,
Green firs through hoarfrost nicely spark
And under ice brook torrents slide.

With amber light the whole our room
Is being lit up. Contenting boon
Is a merry crackle of a stove’s flame.
What a charm's to ponder near the fire!
But listen, wouldn’t we desire
To ride in our open sleigh?

While sliding over morning snow
To draw in a speedy run in tow
An impatient mare, trotting hard?
And visit fields now lying empty,
The woods – a recent horn of plenty,
And the bank so dear to my heart.

Зимнее утро

Мороз и солнце; день чудесный!
Еще ты дремлешь, друг прелестный –
Пора, красавица, проснись:
Открой сомкнуты негой взоры
Навстречу северной Авроры,
Звездою севера явись!

It's frost and sun - the day is bright!
Yet you are sleeping, friend delight -
Let's wake, the beauty, stand? please up:
And open the leizure eyes
Before the northern Avrora-dawn
Be as a Star of North appear!

Вечор, ты помнишь, вьюга злилась,
На мутном небе мгла носилась;
Луна, как бледное пятно,
Сквозь тучи мрачные желтела,
И ты печальная сидела –
А нынче … погляди в окно:

Под голубыми небесами
Великолепными коврами,
Блестя на солнце, снег лежит;
Прозрачный лес один чернеет,
И ель сквозь иней зеленеет
И речка подо льдом блестит.

Вся комната янтарным блеском
Озарена. Веселым треском
Трещит затопленная печь.
Приятно думать у лежанки.
Но знаешь: не велеть ли в санки
Кобылку резвую запречь?

Скользя по утреннему снегу,
Друг милый, предадимся бегу
Нетерпеливого коня
И навестим поля пустые,
Леса, недавно столь густые,
И берег, милый для меня.

Предыдущий: Вечер на краю леса
Следующий: Не пой, красавица... - пер. А. С. Пушкина