Река любви. По ней плывем. - перевод


By unknown author

There's a love stream. We're floating -
One man - along, against - the other...
And time will pass, when we get knowledge:
That here is our bank, in contrary.

The love river is boiling, racing,
In whirlpools pulling, luring a lot...
And everybody wishes to find destiny
Behind this turn, or then in other turn.

And river has the banks: left-right,
And sometimes is as deep as ocean,
And it is wide and stately enough...
It may be all the thing, you could suppose.

A River-Love... It is the bright reflection
Of such great feeling to you, dear mine,
And I'm carried by a current, tempted
With distance, where fate I'll find.

Предыдущий: Из Марциала - Из Книги второй - 80
Следующий: Фрагменты из Евгения Онегина перевод на украинский