Снежная дева - пер. А. Блока

She'd come from the wild distance -a daughter
Of nights and of the other far times.
Her relatives were absent, the heavens
Failed then in shining on her at once.
But sphynx with his face, though foraminous,
Caressed her at the Neva-river,
And she had met him with light screaming,
While snowstorm howled severely.
It was time, when the storm presented
Her shoulders with the tiny stars,
And her breast,and her pale body naked-
She dreamt of the Egypt, motherland.
Through dim north haze she sees

Предыдущий: Ганна Осадко. У заводи...
Следующий: Когда-то помню с умиленьем... - пер. А. С. Пушкина