Lone queen

Lone queen is sitting on old golden throne,
The drink in cup - something blur, it's her own
Effects of mistakes, she is in close round.
All thoughts are darker than biggest storm cloud,

Her eyes are broken, like ice on cold river,
Some rings on fingers have gems of pure evil,
Red color means blood, not love or its power,
And here each minute became to full hour.

The useless kingdom without true leaving,
They left their bodyes by realm, that riven.
She let them die, and her palace like prison,
In mind of queen now madness, no reason.

For empty places her sin come with fear,
The devil looks on each action, he's near,
Then and for ages she must see dead kingdom,
She lost all lifes, and she lost own freedom.

The selfless goodness forgotten forever,
This life is her, time to be a fate rebel..
But tears fell, hazy eyes still was broken,
And be depressed she continue strange walking.

General death better than timeless flour.
And after all, standing up in the tower,
Her glance saw just bloody houses around,
She dressed a cloak, then threw out dark crown.

Before the end, last mad smile of lone being,
She made a step out verge and bad feeling..
And spread two wings, it can only suppose
She is the saint - great queen of pure souls!

Предыдущий: Таемниця моя - невеличка, та я не зiзнаюсь
Следующий: Моe Я розлетiлося крилами