Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Изобретенье - Вера

Изобретенье — "Вера"
Коль нам дано понять —
А Микроскоп уместен,
Когда не распознать.

"Faith" is a fine invention
For Gentlemen who see —
But Microscopes are prudent
In an Emergency.

Emily Dickinson

<<An often quoted poem, ”Faith is a fine invention" gives insight on Dickinson’s views on religion and science. While calling faith an invention and putting it in quotation marks suggests that the poem is pro science yet the ability for only some to "see", or possess a kind a divine power, contradicts that. No wonder Dickinson is famous as the "The poet of paradox". She goes on to add that it is wiser to use "microscopes", or science, in an emergency.>>

Стихи.ру 04 сентября 2011года

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