The hottest day of the year

The hottest day of the year
Or Bodhisattva Vows.
Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje

01.07.2012. air temperature 40
place Becske.
The tent.

The great heat worth it, but Trinlay
- It won't hurt you!
Remember about the present.
N Trinlay from where you are and who you are
You are in the present.


Do not rest on our laurels!
It is important the development of the qualities
the activities of the Buddha, the Dharma
should continue, always.
We should all
Day and night to pray
To tomorrow
The newly reborn
Have a lot of right
Дхармовых meetings
Friends and loved ones
As God take care of.
You may seem
What is the jurisdiction of
But believe me it is not so
Activities should always continue

(There's somebody in Russia has not understood He was a fool. Note of the translator)

we must constantly generate bodhicitta, devotion, compassion.

(and you took from me the platform of the penalty... Note of the translator)

To be continued...

Предыдущий: Из Марциала - Из Книги третьей - 18
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