The day of today

Peace, IT-cyber knowledge.
Long magnet. China land.
Spectrum and crystal, collage,
Eden Revolt-tional.

Music by Richard Wagner,
Sveta and her advice,
Exposed disclosure, mania,
Warm crystal and reply.

Growth. For the truth I survey.
Yellow. And promise well.
Madagascar is tropical -
Butterfly, popinjay.

Grove, cabbage, spoon is little,
Little is kilobit.
Laitman, Israel, whittle,
Eternal pyramids.

This is - today's schematic -
Fused in my own head.
So sunny a mosaic.
Air. And Earth. Poet.

Предыдущий: Гимн красоте
Следующий: Роберт Геррик. N-207 Присутствие Бога