интепретация А. Ахматовой На шее мелких четок ряд


“Meile—kaip seile”—sako kiti.
As klausineju Likimo.
Taip arba ne.
Ir nebeverksiu.

Mano veido spalva keiciasi kaip kine,
Kaip filmo juostoj.
Sulig sviesos atzvilgiu
Krentanciu i mano puse.

Plaukai lingiuoja ir zaidzia
Kaip nepriristi sunys...

Nebeeinu,ir neskrendu kaip paukste,
O plaukiu lyg upe.
Taves link.
Bet taves nera.
Tu neatejai.

Nerami sirdis plaka smarkiai,
Dar smarkiau…
Vos neissoksta per burna.

Man liko tik geles,
Kuriu man nepadovanojaj.


Blues on the rendez-vous that din’t occur

I questioned Fortune, but in vain:
It gave no sign to me.
I close my eyes once more again
For tears economy.

I’m losing my complexion by
A lilac-coloured light.
My hair is dancing in the sky
In never-ending flight.

I’m floating but not flying to
My dream in faraway.
I’m finding luck in seeking you
In a nearby pavement bay.

My heartbeat hear I in the flue,
It hushing makes (too late!)
My bosom bloom in blossoms blue
Of our missing date.

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