In The Strip Of Mist

In The Strip Of Mist, перевод стихотворения "За дождя завесой, в полосе тумана" (автор - Даниил Гуров)

It took place behind the veil of rain:
Somebody got lost, he just slipped away.
He found what he was searching and hid all his flaws,
Escaped the love and wonders, and now he’s out of paws.
It’s better, he decided, to be alone in there,
‘Cause nobody is mocking and no one’s in nowhere.
He found his space, his life, his peace,
Beyond the veil of rain, in the strip of mist.

Предыдущий: Перевод Дж. Р. Р. Толкин
Следующий: Марш Сталинской авиации. Перевод