Даль великая - пер. Р. Рождественского

The distance great
by Robert Rozhdestvensky

There is a distance great, and without end
Behind a village fence, and in fate.
To you, Earth, I bow lowly, so that
I'm bowing up to your belt.
You, the native land, the partenal land,
You're my holiday and my shield.
And my memory, and my song as well,
Are in common use by Earth and me.

I was rocking you at my hands for long,
While I damned the fate, or I prayed.
We can't live today without each other, so
We will live together the next days

You - the native land, the paternal land,
You're my holiday and my shield.
There are common, too, both with the Earth and mine,
The great happiness and great grief.

At my last moment I'll sigh in grief,
And will look behind on my life.
As a tiny seed I shall fall to you,
As the rape ear soon shall grow up.

You - my native land, the parternal land.
You're my holiday and my shield.
Sun and heart are one in our common breast,
In the Earth itside and in me.

Предыдущий: Из Николая Заболоцкого. Ночной сад
Следующий: Из Гимнов к ночи-1. Новалис