Человек есть мера всех вещей... версия на англ

The human is the measure all of things…
There is no verity… it is subjective.
What is the lie for one – this is the truth for other.
How can we prove: what is genuine and what is fictive?

How many souls around – same number of opinions,
And everybody sees the world through the conscience prism…
The answer is: the one is right, who is the winner of the conflict,
And this is the meaning of the doctrine of “sophism”.

In fact: the man, who has polemic skills,
Can prove all things, which even are the saying of Apate…
And if he doesn’t have the evidence, he'll use deceptions.
By every means he'll be the winner in debates!

This is unfairly, but this is harsh reality...
It was proven long time ago, from since
The maker of “sophism” - Protagoras said:
The human is the measure all of things…

Предыдущий: Болеслав Лесьмян. Стихотворение лунное
Следующий: Эмили Э. Дикинсон. С весною встреча для меня