Эмили Э. Дикинсон. Надежда строит Дом

Надежда строит Дом
Без балок и стропил —
Нет ничего в том Здании,
А есть в нем только шпиль —

И восседает так
Она в именьи оном,
Как-будто до карнизов всё
В согласии с Законом —


The way Hope builds his House
It is not with a sill —
Nor Rafter — has that Edifice
But only Pinnacle —

Abode in as supreme
This superficies
As if it were of Ledges smit
Or mortised with the Laws —

Emily Dickinson

Прим. переводчика:
Стихотворение написано в 1879 году.

1. Emily Dickinson took an envelope addressed to "Mrs. Edward Dickinson and Family" and carefully tore away parts of it to form this unique shape. The poem exists in no other drafts.

2. British Journal of Education. Vol.3, No.10, pp.44-48, October 2015:

<<... she uses the imagery of house: sill, rafter, edifice, and pinnacle (A small pointed stone decoration built on the roof of a building).
Dickinson describes that the building of life needs not the use of sill and woods but it only needs pinnacle which is the most successful and main part of the building of life. She symbolizes pinnacle with hope and tries to convey that as soon as the power of hope is there nothing can stop a life being successful>>.

Стихи.ру 19 апреля 2014 года

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